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由柔性石墨增强 复合板精密切割而成,垫片加工织造容易,安装使用方便,密封性能优异。适应于热水 、高温、高压蒸汽、氢气、氨、溶剂、碳氢化合物、超低温液体介质。
用于各种管道、阀门、泵、换热器、冷凝器、压力容器、塔、人孔、手孔法兰处连接处之密封 及制水位计、液位计、结晶器等密封垫片。
These products are made from reinforced flexible graphite composite plates by cutting precisely . the manufacturing processiseasy.
Installation as well as application is convenient. Having excel-ent sealing property .they are suitable for the media, such as: hot water, high temperature and pressure steam. Hydrogen . ammonia. Hydrocarbons, super-low temperature liquids,etc.
They are used as gaskets at the flange joints of different pipings. Valves, pumps heatex-changers, condensers, pressuriaed vessels. To wers manholes, handholes and to make gaskets for liquid level gages and crystallizers.